Please note, Consultation extended to Oct 30th. Please make a personal response supporting the plan.
The link below is to the Southwark Cyclists response to the consultation on Quietway 7. We are supporting the plan, plus all the specific points (removing parking, banned turns etc). However, for the comments section we have made several points, not all of detail:
- Southwark Cyclists is strongly supportive of the Q7 plan, and supports the specific points raised in the consultation.
- We note that the plan for the right turn from Albany to Portland will be unlikely to cope with the expected numbers of cyclists unless more space is assigned and the phasing of the lights gives enough time.
- No plans are in the consultation for the crossing of New Kent Rd. We set out the minimum requirements for this and hope plans will be presented soon.
- A proper cycle crossing is required for Harper Road.
- Active steps should be taken to reduce rat-running; this can be best achieved by filtering Brandon and Portland to stop through motor traffic.
Full text is at: Draft response to consultation on Quietway 7_final
Full Southwark consultation information, including detailed drawings is at, or linked to,
For those interested in traffic along Portland St, here are traffic counts from Southwark council for the Albany-Portland Junction: Albany Road – Portland Street Pedestrian and Traffic Counts
and here are counts we made for the Portland-East St junction: Counts_Portland
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