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There has been a trial of a no entry on Champion Hill, preventing northbound motor traffic while allowing cycles, since February 2019. This filter prevents rat running along this section of the Quietway 7 route resulting in an overall decrease in traffic in the area and an increase in cycling.

Respond to the consultation

Southwark Council is consulting on making this filter permanent. The consultation also includes cycling and walking improvements on Dog Kennel Hill Junction.

Residents have told us this has made walking and cycling much more plesant as car traffic has reduced. We have analysed the monitoring report from the trial and found that in addition to reductions in traffic on Champion Hill, there is no evidence of significant negative impacts on the surrounding streets. We strongly support this consultation.

  • We will be asking the council to make this filter opperate in both directions to further reduce traffic here.
  • We’d like the cycle lane on Grove lane to have wands or bolt down rubber kerb protection and for the double yellow to be extended.

Respond to the consultation

The consultation closes 15 March.

Check our consultations page to see other cycling proposals in Southwark.

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