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Healthy Ride Report – Aug 23rd 2014

Well, that was a surprise. Normally on Bank Holiday Saturdays numbers are low. But 21 riders – a record for recent years – joined the ride last Saturday. Fortunately David was there and looked after the back of the group, in particular encouraging people to “Go, go, go” when crossing lights went green. The beautiful sunny morning probably helped, and we certainly enjoyed that. In remarkably light traffic, we followed the route of the projected Quietway 2 (currently out to public consultation) from Swan Mead to The Cut. Then through to the South Bank at Gabriel’s Wharf. From there followed the river using Nat Route 4 as far as Southwark Park, squeezing past the crowds at Borough Market. Running late, so skipped the South Bermondsey loop and headed back to Peckham from Southwark Park. Route, including short cut, at: .

Next ride August 30th, 10am, Dulwich Park Café.

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