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Draft Cycling Strategy – Comments from Southwark Cyclists

Southwark Borough Council published its draft Cycling Strategy in November 2014 (see post here). Southwark Cyclists submitted 16 pages of comments! Below are some highlights. For the full document, click this link: Southwark_Cyclists_Response_LBS_Cycling_Strategy_v05. Unfortunately the Council’s draft has now disappeared from their web site as the consultation closed Feb 1st (why do they do this?).

Highlights from our comments

Principle 1: Stress free cycling

‘Stress’ does not do justice to the intimidation and danger that motorists can pose to cyclists. Bristol Council aims for freedom from fear.

Principle 2: Cycling as a priority. Objective 2.1 Work with TfL to segregate routes over 20mph or where traffic volumes are high.

To cyclists these routes form often impermeable barriers as well as constituting extreme hazards. Segregation along these routes is important for safety and perception of safety; it is a necessary requirement to increasing levels of cycling.

Objective 2.4 Allow for pedestrian and cycle priority implementing filtered permeability schemes and, where possible, closing roads to motor vehicle traffic

Modal filters could be used at many places in Southwark to protect cyclists and clear areas currently dominated by the noise, pollution and danger of rat-running traffic.

Principle 3: Cycling for everyone. Objective 3.3 Aim to provide and facilitate secure cycle parking for every home.

We urge you to increase provision on Estates and invite residents to apply for on-street bike hangars. We would want you to review planning restrictions on cycle storage sheds and bins in front gardens…

Principle 6: Cycling as easy as walking. Objective 6.2 Create a cycling brand for Southwark: when you think of cycling, you think of Southwark.

We do not support this specific objective. It is likely to be expensive and pointless unless a lot of work has been done on making the roads a lot safer.

Southwark Spine: Routes

We welcome the proposed Spine route …[but]  Routes are not enough but need to be part of area-wide planning for cycling. A mesh of cycle-friendly streets is needed for the local journeys residents will want to make, to the shops, with their children to school, to the station, to bus stops, and to work.


Credit is owed to Southwark Council for adopting a casualty rate target. We believe that it is the first council to do so.

We have previously suggested higher targets than those set out [for modal share for cycling] and would ideally like to see a target of 20% by 2025.

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