Southwark cyclists have responded to the Consultation by Southwark Council regarding the next 2 sections of Quietway 7, from New Church Rd (south border Burgess Park) to Benhill Rd and from Wilson Rd to Lettsom St (junction with Camberwell Grove).
We have approved most of the minor improvements. However we have actually said NO to the stretch from New Church to Benhill. This is because we want to send a message to Southwark Council that we do not want money wasted on schemes that offer NOTHING significant to cyclists. Southwark can design decent schemes, as has been done for parts of Quietway 1 and Quietway 14 (Jubilee). But there is no consistency, and other schemes are still being presented that offer next to nothing to cyclists, or may (e.g. Brayards Rd) actually make thing worse.
The problems with the New Church to Benhill proposal are (1) no cycle crossing of busy New Church Rd and (2) no filter on the north part of Edmund St. Traffic on New Church Rd exceeds the level at which design standards recommend a controlled crossing, e.g. Toucan. The section of Edmund St from the school to the park is narrow. Southwark intend to leave on street parking making matters worse. We and Living Streets discussed previously with Southwark to need to remove through motor traffic from this section. There is the opportunity, with the new building going on, to create a really quiet street environment through the new development. Provide access for residents, deliveries and the emergency services. But no through traffic. There are easy alternative through routes. The result of filtering out through motor traffic would be a quiet route for pedestrians and cyclists to Burgess Park. And a quiet last section of route for many children walking or cycling to Brunswick Park Primary School.
At the south edge of the consultation section, we are also suprised to see the convoluted route via Lettsom St preferred to the obvious existing route staying on Grace’s Mews. Creating a ramp at the steps between Lettsom St and Grace’s Mews is a good idea and will access for push chairs and wheelchairs. But it is too narrow to function safelyas a shared space on what we hope will become a popular cycle route.
Our full responses are available here:
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