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We are calling all members to support this scheme. The closing date is the 11th of January so you will have to act soon. For more details and to see the official Southwark Cyclists response please see the cycle scape thread here

Our Suggestions for Your Response

For each section we have given some suggestions. The titles below shows the name of each section of the consultation and each only focus on what we feel are the key questions. Overall we strongly support the scheme as it will bring many improvement for those walking and cycling in the area as well as providing stronger links to other existing Quietways.

Your parking experience

We suggest members answer question 6 with ‘All Day(for example 8:30am to 6:30pm)’ and question 7 with ‘Monday to Saturday’. This will provide the best parking control ensuring the route for cycling is mostly clear but also that local residents have priority parking and those driving into the city are not clogging up our local streets.

Wells Way junction with St George’s Way

Question 1 we suggest you select strongly agree or agree, question 2 we would like members to suggest the cycle track in the park should be wide enough for cargo bikes to use and the turn for those heading northbound be made more forgiving.

St George’s Way junction with Chandler Way

We ask you strongly agree this section as the closure will make the route much safer and supports Quietway 8 as well as the southwark spine route.

Commercial Way two-way cycle track

We suggest you strongly agree. For question 2 members should ask for Pentridge Street to be made exit only to reduce risk from turning traffic. The cycle track on Commercial Way needs to allow for use by cyclists riding along Commercial Way – allowing them to join at Chandler WAy and merge with other traffic at the crossing.

Commercial Way junction with Moody Road

We ask members strongly agree or agree for question 1 and in question 2 request a clear entrance to Moody Road – this needs bollards and double yellow lines to prevent it being blocked by parking.

Kelly Avenue junction with Peckham Road

For Kelly Avenue junction with Peckham Road we would ask you suggest a light phase should be request for people on bikes joining and exiting the route.

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