15 riders for a late October ride with grey skies and a far from perfect weather forecast. But the rain held off and we had a great ride from Peckham to Dulwich and back. Outward by Dawsons Hill. Views of London skyline a bit hazy but still complemented by the fine Autumn colours this year (see photo). Discovered coming off Dawsons hill that one of the bikes had rather poor brakes. Found this before the descent so no injuries! Longish stop at Pavilion Cafe in Dulwich Park saw both front and back brakes rendered effective. Next stop Herne Hill Velodrome. Always makes a huge impression on people who have never been there. Lots of activity . Big groups training on the track and a large platoon of younger cyclists on the mountain bike trail. Back via Greenway and Camberwell Grove. Route at http://goo.gl/mMbQZ7. Next ride not until 2nd Saturday in November (14th) starting Canada Water.
Healthy Ride Report – Oct 25th 2015
Southwark Cyclists
Yet another serious crash on the A205, following the crash a few days ago (where residents have started a petition for a zebra crossing).
Nearby there is also new damage to the railings at the jct with College Rd.
Speeding and mobile phone use is rife on the South Circular.
Congratulations @cyclinginsutton on receiving the ‘Green Shoots Award’ this evening at the @London_Cycling AGM and Awards Ceremony!
(Also kudos to @southwarkcycle (along with @GreenwichCycle @lewicyclists) as joint winners of the ‘Excellent Event Award’).
Pleased to be at @London_Cycling's AGM. Such impressive advocates for #cyclists in #London! Increasingly concentrating on the groups currently under represented in cycling (women, young people, people on low income, etc.).
London desperately needs *every* London borough & our Mayor, TfL to take more & bolder action on #VisionZero and end toll of fatal & serious collisions for *all* road users. More on this & our #DangerousJunctions campaign soon. But notable that both collisions in @wandbc...
Everyone is welcome at the #StreetsForPeople Southwark Cycle Fest in Burgess Park on Sunday 29 September from 10am.
A celebration of all things cycling in Southwark, there's something for all the family @JoyRidersUK
Southwark Cyclists is the leading organisation that promotes and supports cycling and cyclists in Southwark. We are a very active and diverse group of people who believe that cycling as transport has not yet been fully realised so we are working with Southwark Council and our communities to promote cycling, improve safety and ensure all new developments consider cyclists' needs
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