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Community Speedwatch

salter road/lagado mews London, United Kingdom

A Southwark Cyclist will be manning the speedgun on Christmas Eve. It's a good time to catch the tired and emotional feeling cross that they to go to work. They […]

Community Speedwatch

Queens Road Brook Road, London

Southwark Cyclist Sally will be taking the fight against speeding to the motorway between Peckham and New Cross. Trafffic explodes out of the High Street jams (five sets of traffic […]

Community Speedwatch

Queens Road Brook Road, London

Southwark Cyclists' volunteer, Sally, will be pointing the speedgun at passing cars with PCSO Kevin Phillips who writes down offenders numbers. Lots of support from pedestrians and passing cyclists, possibly […]

Community Speedwatch

Queens Road Brook Road, London

A Southwark Cyclist' volunteers will be wielding the speedgun with PCSO Kevin Phillips. They get lots of support from passers-by. Less from motorists. The top speed clocked so far: 66. […]

community speedwatch

townley road/east dulwich grove , United Kingdom

How we police our roads (or don't) is a political big deal at the moment.  You can help it up the agenda. Speedwatch produces the data which show how much […]

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