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Here’s our newsletter for March. If you want it to your inbox, then sign up here.

It’s been a very busy month with Will Norman coming to our February meeting, and a lot of new consultations from Southwark Council. We’ve been busy promoting these, attending community meetings, and campaigning alongside partner organisations. If you don’t already, follow us on Twitter to stay up to date. And please take the time to support these consultations. Who knew a big part of campaigning is filling out forms?

Champion Hill

Southwark Council trialled a one way no entry for motor vehicles on Champion Hill in February of last year. They are now consulting to make this permanent. This is a key part of the Quietway 7 route which has reduced traffic during morning peak times by 340 vehicles an hour.

Respond to the consultation before 15 March.

There are many other consultations that need your support, including the Dulwich low traffic neighbourhood scheme we mentioned last month, which is seeing opposition from residents that mistakenly think they won’t be able to drive out of their neighbourhoods. Check our Current Consultations page for more.

Volunteer Bike Mechanic

Our outdoor Dr Bike sessions are starting in April as daytime hours get longer. We’re looking for volunteers to help with our Thursday night sessions. Can you help at Peckham Arch on the second Thursday or at Quietway 1 at Dunton Rd on the fourth Thursday of the month?

There’s no need to be an expert mechanic, you’ll have plenty of support. We can even provide a bit of training. If you can help, contact us at Check out our Dr Bike page for more about our programmes.

Will Norman Talk

It was great to have a visit from Will Norman, London’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner, at our last meeting. Read our report from his talk, about TfL’s plans for a cycling network in Southwark and his advice on how we can achieve that network as cycle campaigners.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is Wednesday 11 March. We start with our committee meeting from 6.30-7.20pm then continue to our general meeting at 7.30pm followed by a trip to the pub.

It’ll be at 41 Grosvenor Park, SE5 0NH near Burgess Park. Hope to see you there.

Thanks for reading and happy cycling,


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