City Alleyways
Bitterly cold day, but 15 riders turned up at the start at the Needle. Two headed elsewhere – had just come for a chat. including sorting out next weeks Snowmen ride. Riders were treated to a fascinating tour expertly led by John Sutton. Lots of photos and compliments on WhatsApp. Jane A, said “Great alleyways, interesting history, really enjoyed”. Shelagh: ” Thanks for showing us such interesting places. Great ride”. Jamie: “Brilliantly unique ride”
Here is John’s ride report.

10am at London Bridge: A cold dry morning. Thirteen riders. We crossed the bridge and turned into Eastcheap, heading for French Ordinary Passage off Crutched Friars, a narrow alley under Fenchurch St Station. From there we made our way to Austin Friars Passage off London Wall, and then headed for Moorgate and crossed Aldersgate en route to the Charterhouse. We made a circuit around St John’s Street, Passing Alley, St John’s Gate and St John’s Path, and then proceeded to the Farringdon Road cycleway, bringing us down to Fleet St.
On Fleet St, we explored the lanes around St Bride’s church, down to Tudor St, and then to Whitefriars St to look at the ‘History of Fleet St’ tiles in Ashentree Court/Magpie Lane. We made our way back to Fleet St via Temple Lane and Bouverie St.
Our leisurely coffee break offered a welcome respite from the cold, but we eventually moved on to the Strand, where we whizzed through the wonderful Lower Robert Street tunnel, taking us to Victoria Embankment Gardens, where we stood in silent admiration before York Gate. All Gilbert and Sullivan fans waved dutifully to the weeping lady monument as we left the Gardens for the cycleway back to the Monument, and so to London Bridge … at 12.15, nicely ahead of schedule on this cold December morning.
And Thank You to Jamie as Backrider and Jean for marshalling !

As Jamie said, a unique ride. It is one that many people would enjoy. John has suuplied detailed route sketches and more information. These are linked below.
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