Here’s our newsletter for September. If you want it straight to your inbox, then sign up here.

Did you catch our consultation guide last month? If not, there’s still have time, consultations start closing this Friday 17th September, so respond today! We also tell you about the next Better Streets Talk with Better Bankside.

Support Active Travel Consultations in Southwark

This is a repeat of last month, but it’s very important you support these schemes! Southwark council is currently consulting on 7 of their Streetspace trials! We need your help to ensure these schemes are made permanent and improved. Please respond to consultations if you live in, near or travel through these areas. We strongly support all of these schemes and below we have some ideas on how they can be improved.

Many of these are low traffic neighbourhoods (LTN) using modal filters to eliminate cut through motor vehicle traffic creating a safe walking and cycling environment. If you’d like to learn more about LTNs, Better Streets for Southwark has a great LTN guide.

Closing Friday 17 September

Brunswick Park LTN – The next three LTNs are funded by Impact on Urban Health (formally Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity). Brunswick Park has made this section of Cycleway 17 safe and usable by people of all ages and all abilities. The cycle crossing at Dalwood Street also connects to the historic LTN to the east. We just wish Cycleway 17 were improved to the south along Camberwell Grove to join up with great changes in Champion Hill and Dulwich Village.

East Faraday LTN – This is the smallest of the Impact on Urban Health schemes with its one modal filter on Bagshot Street and pavement widening in front of Walworth Academy. Construction is currently limiting access on Mina Road and Kinglake Street, but we think modal filters should also be placed along these streets to make this a full LTN.

North Peckham LTN – Another strong scheme, three modal filters prevent cut through motor traffic between Peckham High Street, Peckham Hill Street, Commercial Way and Meeting House Lane. Goldsmith Road has probably seen the biggest transformation. We’d like to see this scheme expanded, particularly to Asylum Road, which would remove some of the cut through motor traffic that remains.

Closing Sunday 19 September

Bermondsey Street – Another great, long needed change. Bermondsey Street is no longer choked by diesel and petrol fumes with modal filters placed to prevent through traffic. There is much more space to walk and cycle making for a more enjoyable environment on this wonderful high street. Cycle contraflows now allow you to travel southbound. We’d like to see cycle contraflows added to Snowfields and Crucifix Lane and the temporary pavement widening to be made permanent.

Walworth LTN – We’re very supportive of these changes that cover a large area of Walworth. Cycling is way up while motor vehicle traffic is down across the entire area. We think more needs to be done to reduce motor traffic on Cycleway 17 which is a boundary of the scheme, preferably by filtering Brandon Street/Portland Street. We’d like to see traffic mitigation on John Ruskin Street, perhaps width restrictions for HGVs, and with Hackney’s announcement for bold changes to Stoke Newington Church Street, a similar treatment for Walworth Road would be great.

Closing Wednesday 22 September

Great Suffolk Street LTN – This scheme reduces traffic around Great Suffolk Street using one-way streets and modal filters. Modal filters and restricted turns along Southwark Bridge Road also benefits Cycle Superhighway 7. Quietway 1 and Cycleway 14 also route through this area. There are still motor vehicle through routes along these two cycle routes so we’d like to see further traffic reduction along Union Street and Webber Street.

Closing Friday 24 September

North Peckham Healthy Streets Confusingly, this is a different area to the North Peckham LTN and not a Streetspace scheme, this is a project that was put on hold due to Covid and we’re happy it’s back. We are supportive of the motor vehicle filter on St George’s Way. We would like the cycle tracks on Commercial Way to be widened to 3 metres to meet Department for Transport LTN 1/20 guidelines. We also think a safe crossing from St George’s Way to Burgess Park across Wells Way should be incorporated into the design.

Peckham Rye Cycle Lanes – Kerb protected cycle lanes have been installed along Peckham Rye north of Nunhead Lane. We support what has been put in place so far and would like to see the kerb protection extended as there are gaps where cars illegally park. Initially this proposal included a bus gate at Nunhead Lane and a modal filter on Scylla Road extending the 24/7 school street in front of Rye Oak Primary. We’d like this original proposal implemented.

Better Streets Talk with Better Bankside

Join next week’s Better Streets Talk with Amandeep and Valerie from Better Bankside about how Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) can improve local areas, the Low Line walking and cycling corridor and Better Bankside’s new Green Logistics Centre. The talk is on Wednesday 22 September at 7:30pm. You can register here.

Southwark Cyclists Meetings

Southwark Cyclists meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm, currently held on Zoom. If you’d like to join, email us at

Happy cycling,
