Well we did it! Succesfully got 16 people cycling using a de-luxe approach with individual leafletting of flats and free everything. Given the low levels of cycling in Southwark, these 16 probably equate to a 9% increase in cycling. Just from 2 volunteers and £1360 for bike hire and other expenses.
Have learned a huge amount about what works and what does not. Would love to see a follow-on project using this experience to get people cycling over a larger area than just part of one Ward.
Very happy to come and talk to anyone, anytime, about this.
Summary of Main Aspects of the Study
- 1710 households in Grange Ward, Southwark were leafleted offering free bike loan and cycle training to adults.
- 18 people responded who comprised a representative cross section of the local population including 72% female and 33% ethnic minority.
- At 3-4 months 15 out of 16 are cycling regularly and 7 have obtained their own bicycle.
- 13 out of 16 participants are now doing more moderate level physical activity than before the programme, although there has been a reduction in walking.
- Leafletting coupled with free bike loan has proved an efficient way to get people exercising and we estimate that over the small area covered there has been a 9% increase in cycling as a result of the pilot project.
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