TfL have proposed a new layout for the northern junction at the Elephant and Castle. We have responded to the Public Consultation by opposing this scheme. In our view the scheme A is dangerous and Scheme B is slow (and dangerous for pedestrians).
The dangers are as follows:
- Link Rd, cyclists are forced away from the kerb to go round buses;
- Link Rd/St Georges junction there is no protection from left turning motor traffic;
- At the London Rd junction no protection from left-turning buses;
- At the Newington Causeway junction no protection from left-turning motor traffic for cyclists going to New Kent Rd (NKR).
- London Road exit requires right-turning cyclists (the majority) to move away from the kerb to a lane between motor traffic;
- There is no clear route across the junction for cyclists exiting right from London Road;
- On the Link Road cyclists have to leave the kerb to go round buses, and will have buses crossing the cycle lane.
We have not only critiqued the TfL scheme but have also, in collaboration with the LCC Infrastructure Group, developed an alternative.
Key summary point for our report are:
- The TfL consultation scheme is dangerous. It still leaves cyclists at risk from left turning traffic and having to weave in and out of buses. Implementation of TFL’s proposals would be a waste of £20 million pounds.
- It is possible to design an alternative scheme that is safe for cyclists and will allow other traffic to keep moving.
- In this scheme the roundabout is replaced by a simpler crossroads and T Junction, which can be synchronised to avoid traffic delay.
- There must be light controls at all junctions to prevent conflicts between left turning traffic and cyclists, a common cause of collisions here and elsewhere.
- On the link road between northern and southern junctions, cyclists will be separated from buses.
- We propose developing a bus / rail interchange area adjacent to the stations on the east side of the link road and sending cyclists down a bi-directional path on the west side. This will not only solve the problem of cyclist-bus conflict, it will provide a much easier interchange for public transport users.
- Our scheme is presented in some detail, but our purpose is to illustrate that a better solution for all modes is possible. There may be other detailed designs that would provide equally safe & efficient solutions.
- TfL and LB Southwark need to plan a much better public transport interchange at E&C, in a way that maximises pedestrian and cyclist safety and convenience.
- Regardless of the long-term solution, a new eastern cycle by-pass using Elephant Rd should be provided as soon as possible. This will be a cheap and effective safe route for cyclists between the City and Camberwell.
Full report is available here Elephant Castle proposals v5
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