Dulwich Village Junction update
We met Officers, Police Teams, Cllrs on 30th January to review Dulwich Village. Such a range of different viewpoints are particularly helpful.
All agreed the onsite meeting was useful and constructive, and appreciated the input from all present.
Various issues and “snagging” points identified. Significantly, the junction is due to resurfaced this half term, and new road markings due at this time. This will complete the implementation phase of works.
A follow up meeting will take place shortly after as part of the ongoing monitoring.
Operation and efficiency of the signals is expected to be further reviewed after SCOOT is introduced at the junction, as part of resurfacing over half term next week .
One observation made on site yesterday was non-compliance by cyclists and motorists in relation to the internal stop line.
Southwark Council has asked Southwark Cyclists for suggestions on how this can be improved.
Reviewing of the road marking at Calton Avenue, junction with Court Lane is underway to improve safety for all road users.
Issues raised included:
- Deeper ASL and hatch marking on Dulwich Village –eastbound approach
- TfL to review concerns about right-turn movement at Calton Avenue conflicting with and southbound traffic on Turney Road
- Review operation of low level signals at Turney Road –southbound
- Concern with higher than expected speeds of traffic through the junction – undertake further speed review
- Restore central hatch lines to make clearer the narrower pinch point Dulwich Village – eastbound approach.
- TfL to review concerns and near misses seen from right-turn movement (from Calton Ave) in significant conflict with left turners out of Turney Road.
- Junction red signals (seen Dulwich Village Westbound) being misunderstood with separate red signal for pedestrian crossing (Calton Ave).
- Dulwich Village westbound sign may be over weighted, and signs too low and in conflict with pedestrians.
- Right turning vehicles (from Dulwich Village into Calton Ave) “taking up a position to turn right” remain blocking the Dulwich Village pedestrian crossing after lights changed to red. Drivers appear to treat the situation as you would an unmarked junction and choosing to proceed (or not) with great care after lights turn red, due the very long junction.
- Delivery drivers regularly parking in the small “space” on Calton Avenue (after pedestrian crossing) for local deliveries, on double yellows.
- Downhill cyclists from Calton Ave seen not filtering into cycle lane after passing Court Lane.
- Cyclists from Turney Road regularly in conflict with motor vehicles at the pedestrian crossing opposite. Review after signal timings.
- The filter green signal is intermittently working.
- At busy times (during the green phase), cyclists approaching from Dulwich Village in conflict with motor traffic attempting to turn right into Calton Ave.
- Snagging – missing end block on pavement crossing. See photo
- At busy times contra right turning traffic on Dulwich Village over junction can block each other. Review keep clear signs to avoid. See photo
Please provide further feedback if issues missed, and after the re-surfacing to see how the above concerns are being addressed.
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