• Ride 1. Thames Loop from Canada Water
  • Ride 2. Waterloo to Richmond Park and Twickenham

Ride 1 Thames Loop from Canada Water

One of our favourite routes (mao at https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1YputxtQpk_g_BVhieMCuf9HAtWs&usp=sharing). Ride report from leader Simon K.:

“The Magnificent 7 left Canada Water in pleasant cycling conditions. At Greenwich we boarded the Little Red Train to Mudchute. A mixture of riverside cycling and non challenging roads. A diversion is still in place owing to the Super Sewer construction. At the Hermitage Riverside Memorial Gdn, as well as a terrific view of Tower Bridge, there is a memorial to the Eastenders who lost their lives in WW2. Across London Bridge to a coffee stop in Dockhead, returning to CW on the picturesque river route. With many thanks to Bess for excellent backmarking and to Steve for being my eyes and ears, also a welcome return to Celia after a couple of years, who amazingly joined me on my ride the following Saturday.”

Ride 2 Waterloo to Richmond Park and Twickenham

Report from Ride Leader Jamie: “14 riders completed today’s ride from Waterloo Station to Twickenham. this did not include a rather disappointed Australian tourist who turned up havng paid £30 to an on line company who had promised to deliver a rental e-bike to Waterloo Station for the day. The rest of the crew enjoyed lunch at Pembroke Lodge in Richmond Park before the steep descent down to Richmond and on to the Annual Eel Pie Island Art Festival. Some of us hurried ezcitedly to cross the bridge to the Island and quickly turned round to get off the congested island as fast as possibe. Many thanks to Sue and jane our marshals, not forgetting John, Mike, Tony ad Nigel for sharing the Bacckstop duties”

Full marks to Siew who missed the start but still managed to hook up at Pembroke Lodge prompting the following WhatsApp exchange. Siew: “I’m at the restaurant havong a sandwich”. Jamie “So are we”. You have to know Pembroke lodge to undersatnf how easy it is to NOT meet up there!

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