• Ride 1. Peckham to the South Bank Loop
  • Ride 2. Canada Water to Thames Barrier

Ride 1 Peckham to the South Bank Loop

Dry day with bits of sunshine as we left Peckham Square for the South Bank. 8 riders including ride leader Bruce and back marker Jane. Steady run down the Canal Path, through to Cycleway 10, folowed that to The Old Vic and Lower Marsh. Walked thrugh the amazing Graffiti Tunnel. If you hvae not visited this passage under Waterloo Station, give it a look. Walls covered in paintings including a Banksie. Not many artists actually paintng so air not so thick with solvent fumes as usual.

From the confines of the tunnel emerged and crossed to the open vistas from the south Bank. Not too busy and as a small group we were able to cycle/walk along by the river to the National Theatre where we collected coffees and sat outside. Clouds were building but we remained dry.

Homeward route continued close to the thames to Tate Modern and the Globe Theatre. That was the S Bank done and we headed back via Cyclway 6 to the Elephant then the bypass to Elephant Park where we had a brief stop to admire the Tree House. Finally C17 to Burgess Park, across the park and back up the Canal Path to Peckam Square. Including the GraffitiTunnel made this an even more interesting ride thnt previously. Definitely a ride to repeat every so often.

Thanks to Jane for her help. Route map at https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1rNkCYzSXBd-wgsFZmRVNJieLxsTzDBw&usp=sharing

Ride 2 Canada Water to Thames Barrier

16 riders started from Canada Water led by Eduardo (leading only his second ride). Mostly off road, flat, lots of interestng places – Cutty Sark, O2, Cable Car and of course the Thames Barrier itself. Back a bit late at 12.55 but no complaints.

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