- Annual Southwark Cyclists Pre-Boat Race ride
- Cycleways between London Bridge and Greenwich
Ride 1. Annual Southwark Cyclists Pre-Boat Race ride
Mini report from Ride Leader Jamie. 17 riders completed the 169th Boat Race ride. Very lucky with the weather as we suffered a 1 minute shower during coffee stop and another 1 minute shower at the race finish whilst we munched our M&S sandwiches.
Huge thanks to Eduardo and Nigel for marshalling and John, Mike and Tony for backstop duties.
Hope the video works.
Coomment on WhatsApp from Anne: “Great ride…thanks Jamie et al.”
Ride 2. Cycleways between London Bridge and Greenwich
39min, London Bridge to Greenwich. Includes several stops and v slow crossover at Redriff Rd. Group of 12 on today’s Healthy Ride. Cycleway 4 not just safer but quicker too. Coffee at Costa next to Waitrose, then over the cycle/ped bridge across Deptford Creek and up to Cycleway 10 at Bronze St. Another quick ride along this excellent route. Althugh not as direct as C4 the long stretch with no stop lights means you make good times and we ended back at London Bridge shortly after 12, about 25 min early. Bruce leading. Route map at https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1sARQBthP7PTc__s6eanTBKVk78FF224&usp=sharing
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