- Round the Parks
- Cabbie Shelters
Round the Parks

Started in a park – Peckham Rye Park in bright sunshine (although a chilly breeze). Bruce leading 8 riders. Down via Rye Lane and the Canal Path to Burgess Park. Loop round the lake them under the tunnel and across to Myatts Fields. Already been in 3 parks!
Through the tiny Elam Street Open Space. This has been much improved in recent times and some of last years planting is now quite lush. Next Ruskin Park. The trapeze school was in action – quite an amazing sight. Celia told us she aad spent much of her early childhood in this park and that we would soon be passing the house where she was born! Down Greendale to Dulwich, passing the Picture Gallery. Ros recommended the Berthe Morisot exhibition showing at the Picture Gallery until September. Leisurely ride across Dulwich Park, the last of our 6 parks, then over to the top end of Peckham Rye Park and a run down to our start point at the Round Cafe. All the parks were full of people enjoying the sunshine. just like us!
Route map at http://bit.ly/3amtFfd GPX file below
A Tour of 9 Cabmen’s Shelters

Very popular ride devised and led by Jane, Judging by comments on WhatsApp (The Vulnerables) was much enjoyed. Report from Jane:
20 riders set off from Emma Cons Gardens on a circular tour of 9 Cabmen’s Shelters. Starting at Temple Place, up to Russell Square then to Hanover Square where we had a brief stop to hear about the history of the Cabmen’s Shelter Fund and the origins of these distinctive green structures. Nice to see the square restored to normal after years of construction work for the Elizabeth Line with a wide pedestrianised area in front of the new Bond Street tube station entrance. On via quiet streets through Belgravia, noting the splendidly restored American bald eagle sculpture atop the former U.S. embassy building in Grosvenor Square; across Park Lane and Hyde Park to see the cabmen’s shelters on Kensington Road, Thurloe Place and Pont Street.
We followed the route as planned, taking in more shelters at Albert Bridge, St George’s Square and finally Embankment Place by Charing Cross station. We had a coffee stop at Park Sports Café in Hyde Park, making our detour to Battersea Park unnecessary, though 2 riders left the group at this point to sort out a slow puncture and several others peeled off at various stages during the rest of the ride to spend more time around Chelsea or to head back South across the river. Traffic was fairly light throughout and a couple of unexpected road closures had to be negotiated carefully but we kept on course and the remaining 9 riders returned to Waterloo a few minutes before 1.30pm, our expected finish time. Thanks to Eduardo and Jamie for their splendid marshalling and back-marking at numerous stop lights and junctions – Oxford Street and Kings Road made easy! Thanks also to Jacqui Turner (Bromley Breeze) for sharing info which helped in the planning.
Royte map at https://gb.mapometer.com/cycling/route_5419085.html, GPX file below.
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