- Royal Docks Loop from Greenwich
- London Bridge to Regents Park
Royal Docks Loop from Greenwich

We last did this ride on May 28th last year. It was somewhat eventful. The ride report is worth a read! (https://southwarkcyclists.org.uk/healthy-rides/healthy-ride-reports-2022/ride-report-28th-may-2022/. Ride leader Jamie was under strict instructions (a) to not lead such an interesting ride and (b) to get the troops back on time. Post-ride I received the following communication via The Vulnerables group on WhatsApp.
15 of us arrived at Cutty Sark tunnel and set off along the N bank of the Thames to Gallion’s Pt Marina for what was an enjoyably smooth and trouble free ride, or so we thought…..
Having successfully crossed the main lock entrance to Royal Dock we discovered that the exit gate had been padlocked since last Sunday entrapping us all. Without any complaints, the collective ride team immediately began to lift all 15 bikes one at a time over the series of high fences enabling us to continue our quest to reach Woolwich on the other side of the Thames. This remarkable feat of upper body strength and resilience in adversity was another shining example of the fortitude of Southwark Cyclists and we a got back to Greenwich on time.
Well, let the reader decide. The view of the Rides Co-ordinator is that the ride probably was not sufficiently boring. But did the ride end on time? Why yes!
About 13 miles. Route map at https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=179ZFRIA-lVf_FKGXBELKq7gwS20w_7f1&usp=sharing.
London Bridge to Regents Park

8 riders set off from London Bridge on a really quite pleasant day (for late January). Wound our way across the City and then a bit of back street along Cycleway 6. The building work next to Mt Pleasant has mostly cleared from the road, felt like this obstruction had been there forever. Next rode across Bloomsbury where they were digging up part of Torrington Place next to UCL. We were directed to use the off side cycle lane, this narrow lane having to serve as for cyclists in both directions. Fortunately did not meet any oncoming traffic. Used the top end of Tottenham Court Rd to get across Euston Rd. Would neve have done that until recently. However turning TCRd back to 2-way and putting in a bit of cycle lane has made this stretch much more cycle friendly, And banning the left turn at Euston Rd has made using the big junction much safer. Continued through to Chester Terrace and Regents Park where we circulated the Inner Circle. Kept riders moving except for a brief photo at King Georges Gate.
Return route starts with the problem of crossing Marylebone Rd. This definitely has NOT has the TCRd treatment! Used the pedestrian crossing at York Gate, then the service road in front of St Marylebone Parish Church and the path round the side to Marylebone High St. Now headed east across Fitzrovia and back past UCL and down past the British Museum. Continued south past Covent Garden towards Waterloo Bridge. The big junction at Waterloo Bridge N side now has a traffic free approach and a nice Cycle phase to get across. This enabled us to go right safely. Next an immediate left into Savoy St where we stopped briefly at the amazing little Royal Chapel that was built under the terms of the will of King Henry VII in the early sixteenth century and still survives tucked in beside the Savoy Hotel. At the bottom of the hill joined the cycleway then, by poplar demand, crossed Blackfriars Bridge and completed our trip on the south side of the river.
Doing Regents park from London Bridge provides a very interesting short ride. One to repeat. Route at https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=14sFsp9B7PPhAciiYb84Shk24cpNI7rE&usp=sharing
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