- Ride 1. Henry Moore Sculptures
- Ride 2. Mini Wren 300
Henry Moore Sculptures

Report from Ride Leader Jane
Last done in the cold and driving rain on 14th January 2023, we said we’d do it again when the weather was better… As before we started at Archbishops Park on Lambeth Palace Rd for a 14 mile route taking in 8 sculptures or works by Henry Moore, pausing briefly to hear some information about each piece.
There were 15 riders (including leader) with the route followed as planned – a detached pedal in Tufton Street (behind Westminster Abbey) was swiftly attended to by the in-house repair crew with an array of tools causing only a slight delay. We then made our way through quiet back streets of Westminster to Broadway then through the parks to Mayfair and New Bond Street, then across Park Lane into Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens to see the Travertine Arch backing onto The Serpentine. The sun shone, it was all lovely.
We had a comfort stop at Park Sports Café in Hyde Park then headed towards Battersea Park via South Ken, Kings Road and Albert Bridge. Cycling is not permitted on many of the smaller paths in Battersea Park so there was a fair bit of walking and wheeling in search of Three Standing Figures, located in the Sub-tropical Garden – more walking than was strictly necessary to be truthful as we got a bit lost (leader’s own fault) – found them eventually; they’ve been there since 1950. 11 riders lasted until our final stop at the Reclining Figures in the middle of the Brandon Estate; a nice surprise for the uninitiated. There we bumped into the leader’s colleague from the Garden Museum who’d been photographing palm trees in people’s front gardens for a project (Thinks: could this be a theme for another bike ride?).
Many thanks to an appreciative group, some of whom hadn’t ventured this far “Up West” before and found it ok, special thanks to Jamie for being back-marker and seeing us safely through some busy junctions and crossings.
Mini Wren 300 Ride

Report from Ride Leader Simon S.:
Thirteen riders set off from Peckham Library on a ride to mark the 300th anniversary of Wren’s death. Warm and breezy weather helped. Through Burgess Park, over the New Kent Road and across Borough High Street. A collective oath was expressed as we passed the TfL building and over Blackfriars Bridge. We declined the £23 fee to enter St Paul’s and made do with a photo. On to St Dunstan’s in the East, built in 1697 after the Fire of London 31 years earlier. Interesting place – very atmospheric. Back to the Monument and a coffee stop at the Pret nearby. Homeward over London Bridge,then C14 past Leathermarket and through Spa Gardens. Not a route we use much, but a lovely ride. Several riders peeled off early, but everyone enjoyed the ride.
Route map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1XxalcYDKkKH4joChV8wbyIq-9m41IxU&usp=sharing.
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