Dulwich to Beckenham Place Park

With Jean leading a group of 20 set off from Dulwich Park cafe just after the regular Park Run ended. It was a route without significant landmarks but mainly following LCN 22 / 23/ 21 & 27. Crossing Lordship Lane at Dulwich Library – passing by the mural which is one of a collection of Outdoor Art in East Dulwich ( Mad C’s reimagining of ‘Venetia, Lady Digby, on her Deathbed’ by Sir Anthony van Dyck. Link https://www.dulwichoutdoorgallery.co.uk/). Instead of the busy Barry Road connection to Peckham Rye we use Friern Road – a long freewheel route that ends at the Rye. Lots of the Rye was blocked off for the 3 day music festival Gala23 this weekend – but easy for us to snake our way over to emerge on LCN 22 at the North side & continue by the Ivy House pub – London’s first Co op owned pub ( The Ivy House has been used as a set for many films including the 2015 Kray Brothers biopic Legend.) We cycled by Honor Oak Crematorium / Camberwell new cemetery and across Brockley to reach Ladywell fields. Lovely traffic-free route along the Waterlink way via Catford to Lennard Road passing by the beautifully groomed HSBC cricket ground/ playing fields. At New Beckenham station used the underpass and then continued along Park Road to Beckenham Place park where we took a coffee break at the Homestead Cafe in the courtyard.
The beginning of the route back is on a quiet road – Brookhouse Road connecting all the way back to Catford after which we retraced our outbound steps via Ladywell Fields and Peckham Rye – to get back to Dulwich park bang on schedule at 12.29. The smooth running of the large group was definitely facilitated by Jamie and Eduardo who did great marshalling at a few of the busy roads. This meant we seldom had to wait for catch -ups and we managed not to lose anyone – thanks to John doing back-marker. Lovely sunny weather for this 14 Mile round trip. Route map at https://bit.ly/2SOiQMs.
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