- Kensington Palace
- Tottenham Marshes
Just occasionaly we manage to start 2 rides from the same location. We did this on the 16th. It was rewarding to see nearly 30 riders gathered and chatting as we waited to get ridnig.
Kensington Palace
About 14 riders at London Bridge at the early time of 9.30. Ride leader Amanda did the briefing before heading off . Photos and comments on WhatsApp (The Vulnerables) indicate ride went well. Return route close to the Thames gave riders a chance to see some of the Great River Race action. And the group managed to see actual swimmers in the Skypool at Nine Elms!

Here is Amanda’s report:
“Weather was perfect for cycling: Sunny, dry, no wind. Our first turn was down Dukes and left into Tooley St. under London Bridge. NCR cycle route past the Clink and Borough Market (nice and quiet at this time of day.) towards Westminster Bridge. We diverted to river side along upper ground – as it was a nicer view along the embankment, back into Upper ground at the London Eye. Over Westminster Bridge to Big Ben riverside along the Embankment to Horse Guards. A very pleasant walk through the arch and ride through the gritted concourse/parade ground on the other side. Once again the Mall was cleared of traffic so we had an even better ride along it to Buckingham Palace and up the wide and quiet Constitution Hill. Through Wellington’s Arch – No 1 London, into Hyde Park, we had a cycling path closed diversion that was easy to follow around part of the Serpentine as there was a swimathon taking place. At Kensington Palace we had a quick stop off to admire the sunken garden, the branch covered arch walkway around it and the Diana and children statue (2021)
We headed back but looped around the Albert Memorial before heading straight down to his Bridge via a winding left/right section from Queen’s Gate Road through South Kensington, (5 blue plaques counted on this section,) Over the bridge we turned left into Battersea Park continuing straight through a really busy Battersea Power Station. We almost lost half of the group as the crowds were difficult to navigate through, despite sticking to the cycle path (dedicated signage). Nice ½ hr coffee stop at the Black Cab Café at Nine Elms and a diversion across the road to look at the swimmers in the sky pool – still amazing to see. Home stretch through Vauxhall Pleasure Park and cycleways – I counted 72 arches we rode past through Lambeth en-route back to London Bridge. Bermondsey Road had the annual Street Festival so we couldn’t end up along it, as is the usual route, so another diversion through an estate to bring us to the edge of the railway tunnel – Lucky I hd arrived early, checked the route, giving time, to prep the two ‘on the day’ diversions. Back up the nicely partitioned off cycle lane at the end of Tooley St up to the Needle.
A very pleasant ride, a lovely bunch of people with some new ones, we all enjoyed the ride and, it is always great to hear lots of chatting going on behind me. Thank you to Chau and Mike for back marking. – it was very much appreciated.”
Tottenham Marshes
Notes from Bruce. Long ride from London Bridge orgnised by Jean and John. John led 15 riders across the City, diverting to avoid a huge crane on Moorgate. Mostly Cycleway 1 to the new Spurs Stadium in Tottenham. A short run east led to a fast transition from urban to rural. Started back along the Lee Towpath and stopped for refreshment at Markfield Park. Transpired that the Steam Engine in the Museum was shortly to be fired up. Most of the group opted to stay and watch this. 4 riders led by Bruce decided to take an early bath. Bruce’s group were back at London Bridge at 1.45 while the main group were only 30 minutes behind. Great ride, Cycleway 1 surprisingly good considering there is basically only signage. Lee towpath was full of surprises, esecially the new cafes and bars on the stretch past the Olympic Park.

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