Greenwich to Thamesmead Tor – a.k.a. The Monsoon Ride

Despite the atrocious weather, persistent rain, pretty cold, there were 12 of us at the Cutty Sark at 10am. One advantage of the poor weather was that there were few people walking the Thames path. With this and the cold Mary set a good pace past the Thames Barrier and Woolwich Arsenal. The traditional ascent of the Thamesmead Tor was accomplished and we took some photos at the top. After brief discussion the group voted to turn back, although it should be noted quite a few were keen (or at least prepared) to go on. Returned to Woolwich Arsenal and went in search of coffee and shelter.  Boulangerie Jade was packed with a queue outside in the rain. But the Dial Arch pub was open and not busy, so we warmed up a bit there. Spent some time trying to fix a bit puncture, but tyre slit so one cyclists headed to get the train back. Back to Greenwich, taking a bit of a short cut across the peninsula. Always nice to admire from the foot bridge the patient motorists queuing for the Blackwall Tunnel. Jamie decrlared it “The Monsoon Ride”. We were certainly wet, but feeling that glow of satisfaction from doing something, really, not very sensible!

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