- Butterfly Ride
- Wandsworth Park
Butterfly Ride
19 riders in Peckham Square for our annual search for butterflies in Southwark and Lambeth, a ride timed to coincide with Butterfly Conservation’s Big Butterfly Count. First stop Peckham Rye Park at the area left to grow on the south side of Strakers Road. Small numbers of brown butterflies, probably Gatekeepers and some white ones. Stopped at the Communiy Wildife Garden to find it locked with a notice indicating only open 2 hours a week! Longish ride to Greendale (East Dulwich) to the open area next to the Hamlets football ground. A few brown and white butterflies, but not many. Up Greendale and through to Ruskin Park and the modest wildlife area. Pond reduced to a very small size but more butterflies here. Spotted blue ones as well as the browns and whites. Across Coldharbour Lane to Elam Street Open Space where threre were some white butterflies. Sad sight of the new planting looking very dead due to the dry weather and the heat.

Myatts Fields has a similar wildlife space to Ruskin Park. The pond was completely dry. But quite a few butterflies including a Red Admiral who posed nicely for photos. Spotted a large number of beehives at one end of the wildlife area. Good to see these very busy. Time running short and riders lookng very hot, so headed straight to Burgess Park. As advised by Simon checked out the mounds at the west end. Here there were a lot of blue butterflies, plus a few others. The riders mostly climbed the adjacent mound, maybe to look out for wildife or perhaps just to catch any breeze. Decided to end the ride at the Cafe at Chumleigh Gardens where most riders had a drink and a chat. Anyone needing Peckham Square joined a group headng that way while the rest made their way home.

Overall we identified 5 species (see photos) but in small numbes for the time of year. Maybe the prolonged dry spell plus the two very hot days at the start of the week have taken their toll. I seldom say this having a strong preference for dry weather for cycling, but really would like a bit of rain!
Route at http://goo.gl/v14knG . More information about the Big Butterfly Count at http://www.bigbutterflycount.org/.
Wandsworth Park
See Philppa’s post to Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/groups/553896211918871/permalink/1092792171362603/
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