Peckham to Look Mum No Hands Cycle Cafe

Just the one ride on a very cold morning with a few icy patches around. Good turnout with Amanda leadng. Here is her report.

It had snowed last Sunday evening and the snow and ice was still with us as temperatures all week had been below freezing. For this ride we avoided parks (for the most part) as paths had not been salted and the snow had frozen to ice. 1

Fifteen of us set off at a slower pace than usual (our usual is not very fast either) from Peckham down the canal path, avoiding Burgess Park, we took the main road, then picked up our ride along Bagshot and through the old Walworth estate. We picked up C17 for a bit, crossed Old Kent Road and turned into Falmouth St. A right turn onto the cycle lane for Southwark Bridge. Headed for London Wall and luckily managed to pass the cranes putting panel fascia onto a new bulding in Moor Lane. (the road was not shut off-phew) Last leg past Bunhill cemetery then a left turn into Old St.

A half hour stop at the LM, where we were all seated comfortably, some had a full breakfast after which we headed back.

First right at the lights into Golden Lane and Left into Fortune St, gave us a straight run back to Bunhill. Left into Chiswell and another straight to Primrose St. We crossed and saw that the brass elephants were still in place on the plaza of Spitalfields. We then went down Fort St and wound our way past Gherkin and Leadenhall ,up Mincing Lane towards and over Tower Bridge. Really pleased to note that all of the contr-flow sections we travelled along are no entry for vehicles, except bicycles. This made it an especially enjoyable ride through the city, both east and west with no traffic blocking our route and splitting the group. Main road to Grange Road, Willow Walk and Glengall back to Peckham at 12.34.

A nice time had by all, roads were relatively quiet around the city, but we were the rowdy ‘critical mass’ bunch today, thanks to Jamie as DJ, playing festive music en route. Thanks to Mike and Jamie for back-marking. Bruce and Jean on inter-sections and of course, Bruce for another brilliant year of organising the group, website, calendar and notifications. Rounds of applause by all, followed these announcements at the Christmas Tree in Peckham.

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