- Shooters Hill
- Sculptures in the City
Shooters Hill
Nine cyclists at Peckham Square for an early 9.30 start. Took a horrid but direct route alomg A202 and A2 to Deptford Bridge via New Cross. Then off road for a while on Nat Route 21 to Lewisham followed by quiet streets and small parks to Lee Green. Used Cator Estate roads (perhaps the original low traffic neighbourhood?) to Kibrooke Village. The massive new high rise development is not very village -like, but does have some nice landscaping in Cator Park. Next quiet streets to join LCN partly off-road route alongside the A2 to Well Hall Pleasaunce. Brief rest to prepare for the cimbing ahead. Interested to learn from signage that Edith Nesbit, author of The Railway Children, had lived in Well Hall for 22 years.
The ride proper now began. Gentle uphills on quiet streets to Jacks Wood. The main challenge was to ride up the steep path through Jacks Wood to Severdroog Castle. Shooters Hill stands at 132m, the highest point in Inner South London. Everyone made it up, although not everyone cycled all the way. No-one needed suplementary oxygen. And what a nice surprise, the cafe in the tower was open and we could sit down and enjoy a well deserved coffee (or in 2 cases, ice cream – it was a lovely hot sunny day).
Route home was nice and quick, particularly the 2 good downhills, Shooters Hill and in Greenwich Park. Followed the main road to the Sun in the Sands roundabout, then the underpasses and quiet streets to Greenwich Park. From Greenwich joined Cycleway 10 on paths or quiet roads to Bridgehouse Meadows. Continued from there via Brimmington Park and Meeting House lane to Peckham Square. Back just a few minutes before 1pm.
I love this ride. Parts may be a bit busy but most is quiet and there is lots to see. Getting up the escarpment to Severndroog Castle always gives much satisfaction. And we finish with a really easy route home. Route map at https://bit.ly/2Fv5z5Z
Sculptures in the City
10 am start for a 3 hour event. This ride explored the outdoor art exhibition in the City of London – Sculpture in the City (https://www.sculptureinthecity.org.uk/). Art enthusiasts can download the free Bloomberg Connect guide to the SITC exhibits (https://www.bloombergconnects.org/features/). This includes some wonderful descriptions, e.g. “its horizontal configuration opposes veneration and pomposity through its prosaic absurdity”.
Report by Ride Leader Eva: Sunshine, lots of modern art, interesting buildings, pretentious art commentary, a very slow coffee shop and a flat cycle ride all contributed to an entertaining morning for 19 cyclists. We started off at the Cutty Sark, took National Cycle Route 4 up to London Bridge followed by lots of twists and turns in small side roads in the City to look at the 20 art works which comprise the Sculptures in the City open air exhibition in 2022. The sculptures ranged from amusing, beautiful and charming to zeitgeisty. No rider offered to out-do the official art commentary which had only recently been published in Private Eye’s Pseud’s Corner, so the prize of free coffee and cake remains unclaimed. Most riders dispersed on the way back from London Bridge, and 8 riders took Cycle Way 10 (formerly Quietway 1) back and enjoyed a lovely coffee break at Hönle’s in Folkestone Gardens. Many thanks to John for his very effective back marking.
Route at https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1Y0pmVJZ77lnDiXOL8HvtMLO65-NjJmg&usp=sharing
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