March 22 @ 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
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Acton to London Bridge
NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/acton-to-london-bridge-cycle-ride-tickets-1288097487259
This ride takes the Elizabeth Line outbound to Acton and then we cycle the 11 miles back to London Bridge. Using the train means we can, within a Saturday morning, explore new areas of west London. Start London Bridge 9.30am (note early start) next to the Southwark Needle (South side of Bridge, close to London Bridge Staton). Ride to Farringdon Station. Step free access to Elizabeth Line, fare £3. Train to Acton Mainline Station (22 min) then roads to Wormwood Scrubs (C49). Join C27 and ride past Wormwood Scrubs Prison. If grassy paths are dry enough venture a little way on to the Scrubs then rejoin C27. At Grenfell Tower take a look at the Memorial Wall then continue on C27 to Portobello Rd. Probably impossible to cycle on Portobello Road itself so have a break to allow riders to walk part of the market. Continue on C27 to Princes Square then ride on south to the Bayswater Rd and Kensington Gardens. Take the lovely, continuous paths across Kensington Gardens and Heyde Park. Then Cycleway 3 down Constitution Hill to Buckingham Palace and on to Big Ben. Join the Embankment Cycleway (still C3) which takes us all the way to London Bridge. Plan to finish at 1.30 pm. Note riders can join the ride at Acton Mainline Station (Junction Horn Lane and Friary Road). Be there by 10.10am. Bruce Leading. Route map at https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1DWZjwvXwlygBiclbbfqcE2NLr2WKdr0&usp=sharing.
Riders of all ages are welcome on Healthy Rides but under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Same for “adults at risk”. Always give way to pedestrians and to other cyclists so all path users feel safe. If you cannot make a ride, please cancel so that someone else can take the place.
This ride is part of a regular programme of Saturday rides, more information at https://southwarkcyclists.org.uk/healthy-rides/.
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