We ask for protected space for cycling on Turney Road, between Croxted Road and Burbage Road, achieved by removing or rearranging on-street car parking and providing cycle lanes in both directions, protected by light segregation (by means of planters and armadillos, as in Royal College Street, Camden).

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Royal College Street, Camden, where a mixture of planters and armadillo humps provide protected space for cycling

Royal College Street, Camden, where a mixture of planters and armadillo humps provide protected space for cycling

Street junction

Turney Road at the junction with Burbage Road

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LCC policy area 3: Protected space on main roads

Quiet zones help keep through motor traffic away from residential streets. But often people will need to cycle along main roads: because that’s where shops and workplaces are, or because they are the most direct routes.

Currently, most main roads make cyclists mix with heavy and/or fast moving motor traffic, which most people find scary. Dedicated space for cycling on main roads gives people of all ages and abilities access to the whole road network by bicycle.