Help to reduce rat-running in The Lane ward by:
- closing the one-way Bournemouth Road to through motor traffic at the junction with Rye Lane to prevent rat-running and re-enforce cycle-friendly infrastructure along Brayards Road, Blackpool Road and up Bournemouth Road to Rye Lane.
- closing Lyndhurst Grove to through motor traffic between Talfourd Road and Bushey Hill Road, with access for emergency vehicles remaining. Lyndhurst Grove is a busy rat-run providing a through route from the A2216 at Dog Kennel Hill on Grove Lane to the A202 Peckham Road and Peckham High Street avoiding Camberwell Town Centre. This is a quiet residential area, and Lyndhurst Grove is narrow between Bushey Hill Road and Vestry Road, with parked cars preventing oncoming vehicles passing each other. There is a nursery and school at Lyndhurst Grove with large numbers of young children arriving on foot or on bicycles with their parents every day.
email your councillors to support our campaign
Take action
- email your councillors to support our campaign
- join the London Cycling Campaign,
- tweet using the hashtag #Space4Cycling, and
- find out about our campaigns in other wards.
LCC policy area 2: Areas without through motor traffic
Areas where motor traffic cannot cut through side streets, while walking and cycling are encouraged. Through point closures (using bollards, planters, or trees), a residential area can be filtered, so that all parts can still be reached by motor vehicle (for deliveries, or to start or end journeys) but direct routes across quiet zones are only possible by non-motorised modes. When an area is made safer, quieter, and more pleasant, walking and cycling become more attractive choices.