To make the Walworth Road shopping area a vibrant town centre, and to enhance the impact of the recent road narrowing, we ask that HGVs be prohibited from entering Walworth Road during the busiest shopping hours.
email your councillors to support our campaign
The prohibition should extend from the junction with Heygate Street to the junction with Albany Road and be in place from 8am to 10am and from midday to 7pm, Monday to Friday. Shop deliveries can be done outside these times or by using vans.

HGVs leave no space for cycling on Walworth Route, a major cycling route into and out of central London
Take action
- email your councillors to support our campaign
- join the London Cycling Campaign,
- tweet using the hashtag #Space4Cycling, and
- find out about our campaigns in other wards.
LCC policy area 6: Liveable town centres
Many of London’s high streets and town centres have become run down, congested traffic arteries. As the internet transforms our shopping habits, town centres have suffered but they can be revitalised. They need to be places where people want to spend time, meet friends, enjoy social activity and access a variety of services.
To build liveable town centres, we need to prioritise people over motor traffic, creating space that can be enjoyed by the local community and that encourages walking and cycling. This can create lively, pleasant places that are economically viable and socially vibrant.