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In Dulwich Park

After a bit of arm twisting, we decided to give it a try – a led ride by Southwark Cyclists for a group of disabled cyclists who attend the Wheels for Wellbeing sessions at Herne Hill. At the suggestion of Abigail Tripp (Community Engagement Officer, WfW) we decided to lead some of the most competent WfW cyclists on a short ride on real roads.

So on a sunny Monday morning, 7 of us set out from Herne Hill. I led, with Abigail and Eleanor (another Southwark Cyclist and also a WfW volunteer) helping. We had 4 disabled cyclists, 3 on tricycles and one on a regular bicycle. First problem was the driveway out of the Velodrome. This is full of potholes and nearly tipped up one of the trikes! Then out on to Burbage Rd. Everything fine to the junction with Turney Rd. There, just past the junction, was a bin lorry parked next to a traffic island. Well, better just keep moving, I thought. And we did it – all the cyclists squeezed past without incident. At this point I thought – yes, we are going to be OK.

Headed for Dulwich Village via Boxall Rd, then through the Village across the roundabout and into Dulwich Park from College Rd. We could relax now, and cruised slowly around the Park, admiring the rhododendrons now in bloom.

Exited the park by the same (College) gate. A very large truck caught us up and could not pass. We turned left into Burbage road and the truck continued around the roundabout. We heaved a sigh of relief. But no, what was this, the truck was again behind us, revving its engine loudly. It had gone right round the roundabout to avoid the banned left turn, and also ended up on Burbage Road. Eventually I took pity on the driver and pulled the group off on the left to let it past. The driver gave us a nice wave.

Then across Turney Rd and into the Velodrome. Everyone back safe and at least some keen to do it again. So I will be back at the Velodrome 10am Monday June 22nd. Anyone who fancies a short ride with us is very welcome – in fact we really would like this to become a mixed group. Just turn up at the Velodrome by 10.15.

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