To join, go to https://bit.ly/southwarkBBs
Southwark Bike Buddies is now live. The aim is to help some of the many new “weekend” cyclists to gain confidence and use their bikes for routine travel – to work, to school, to the shops. Using a simple Google Form we are inviting inexperienced riders and experienced riders to enter their contact details. We will pair inexperienced with experienced cyclists in their own area. They can then meet up and do some riding together, for example trying out routes to work.
Southwark Bike Buddies is modelled on the scheme launched earlier this year by Wandsworth Cyclists and already also in action in Lambeth. Now there is a wedge of inner South London where it is easy for new cyclists to get free help to develop their cycling. Possibly LCC will develop this into a London-wide scheme.
For now, let’s make this a big success in Southwark. Most of you reading this will be experienced cyclists. Please sign up to help a new cyclist. If you are quite inexperienced and would like some help, please sign up. If you know someone who is just starting out in cycling, pass information about BikeBuddies to them. If you know a local web site or bulletin board where we could post about the scheme, go ahead and advertise the scheme or contact us and tell us where to post (bikebuddies@southwarkcyclists.org.uk). If you are into social media, give us a mention.
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