Canada Water to North Greenwich Loop

Unusually only one ride available. 22 riders on a surprisingy mild-feeling day. Rather pleasant for riding.
At Canada Water at 10am we had 17 riders. Gentle ride to Cutty Sark where we collected a further 5. Lots of pedestrians on the Thames path so took it carefully. Photo stop at the abandoned, but tidied up, jetty opposite Canary Wharf (see photo). Easy cycling on excellent paths past the O2. With Barrier in view turned inland at Lombard Wall. Marked change in vibe as we cycled into the Primark Car Park, negotiated Bugsby’s Way and cycled past the shops to Starbucks on Woolwich Rd. Now in a very car-centric environment.
Took a coffee break then started on the route back largely using the new segregated cycle lanes along the A206. Negotiated the new crossings at the Angerstein junction. A bit intimidating but enormously better than havng to navigate the roundabout. Approaching Greenwich town centre the segregated lanes run out. We used the official route past the Power Station and through to Cutty Sark. A few riders left here to get an easier route home. Most continued to the segregated cycleway starting at Waitrose and ending on the approach to the Surrey Quays gyratory. At that point turned off the main road and reached Canada Water on a back street route past Greenland Dock.
A very relaxed and enjoyable ride. Just one minor mechanical (chain coming off) and pleasant weather. Big thankyou to first Mike and then Barbara for looking after the back of the group. Route map at
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