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Charlie Chaplin Rides Again

Burgess Park Cafe Chumleigh Gardens, London, United Kingdom

Charlie Chaplin Rides Again NB Please register on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: This ride, devised by Harry Clark (Lets Go Cycling) for Healthy Rides in 2018 and 19, visits locations associated with Charlie Chaplin’s early years when he lived in Walworth and Kennington.  It is a 9 mile route with 10  […]


Dulwich to Wimbledon Park Healthy Ride

Dulwich Clock Cafe, Dulwich Park SE21 7BQ Dulwich Park Cafe, London, United Kingdom

Dulwich to Wimbledon Park Ride NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: Jean and John leading a ride through 5 of our South London parks and commons. 15 miles. 10am –1pm. Start/finish Dulwich Clock Café, Dulwich Park SE21 7BQ. Route: Dulwich Park via Brockwell Park, Clapham Common, Wandsworth […]


Signs of Spring Healthy Ride

Peckham Square, SE15 5JR 122 Peckham Hill Street, London, United Kingdom

Signs of Spring Healthy Ride Please register on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: Time to wash away those January Blues and look forward. Let’s try and find some snowdrops, some  lambs tails or any signs that spring is coming on an easy-paced, 2 hour ride. Route will depend on what I spot […]


Circular Ride to the Yurts Café

Peckham Square, SE15 5JR 122 Peckham Hill Street, London, United Kingdom

Circular Ride to the Yurt Café Please register on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: The yurts are such a surprise, tucked away near the Limehouse Link. They house a Social Enterprise Community Cafe operated by The Royal Foundation of St Katharine. If you have never been there, try to join this ride. If […]


Parliament Hill from London Bridge Healthy Ride

Southwark Needle London Bridge Walk, London, United Kingdom

Parliament Hill from London Bridge NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: Start 9.30 am (Note earlier start time), Southwark Gateway Needle, south side of London Bridge, near London Bridge Station. Jamie leading this 13 mile ride and aiming to get back around 1.30pm. Route outward via Kings […]


London Bridge to Buckingham Palace Healthy Ride

Southwark Needle London Bridge Walk, London, United Kingdom

London Bridge to Buckingham Palace NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: Simon K leading one of our regular routes round the tourist hotspots. Start 10am, Southwark Needle, south side of London Bridge, near London Bridge Station. Route: London Bridge / Cannon Street / Queen Street /  Cycleway […]


Burgess Park to Bloomsbury Healthy Ride

Burgess Park Cafe Chumleigh Gardens, London, United Kingdom

Burgess Park to Bloomsbury NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: Jane leading a short, easy paced ride starting from Stomping Grounds Café, Burgess Park (Chumleigh Gardens) at 10am.  Here is how she describes the ride:  “We'll cycle round various squares (Georgian and later) in Bloomsbury via quiet […]


Cutty Sark to Belmarsh Prison Healthy Ride

Cutty Sark Gardens Cutty Sark Gardens, London SE10 9LW, London, Southwark, United Kingdom

Cutty Sark to Belmarsh Prison NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: On previous Thames Path rides there were suggestions that we include Belmarsh Prison. Mike K., ever keen to oblige, has now checked out a route and will lead a ride there. Start 10am at Cutty Sark […]


Herne Hill Station to Onion Garden, Victoria – Healthy Ride

Herne Hill Station Herne Hill Station, London

Herne Hill Station to Onion Garden, Victoria NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: The Onion Garden is a delightful little garden hidden between offices and homes in the backstreets of Victoria. This ride leaves from the main entrance to Herne Hill Station (on the Railton Road side, What 3 […]


Women “Up West” – Ride for International Women’s Day

Lambeth Palace Forecourt Lambeth Palace, London, United Kingdom

Women “Up West”  Ride NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: Easy-paced bike ride visiting various monuments & memorials to women, in and around central London, to mark International Women's Day (8th March). Jane leading a different route from last time (2022).  We'll be stopping to hear brief […]

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