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New Space for Cycling ideas? aka need help with a Cleaner, Greener, Safer application?

Cleaner, Greener Safer (CGS) is a scheme that allows residents to suggest relatively small projects for making Southwarjk cleaner, greener or safer (surprise surprise). If you have a good idea but you’re not sure how to apply, or you need an extra hand getting support, then Southwark Cyclists can help.

For cycling, the CGS has previously been used to fund things like small infrastructure changes, bike parking, and lighting. I’m available to help anyone put together a CGS application on behalf of Southwark Cyclists. This includes cyclists who aren’t active in Southwark Cyclists. It even includes your non-cycling friends who have noticed (or complained) about a problem. If people resident outside the borough have any ideas then I would be interested in helping to find local residents who can submit the application. Please share this post!

The scheme is actually quite simple, you basically just need a good idea and the support of local residents. Full details here, deadline 9th November:

Or see last year’s cycle parking guide at:

Get in touch if you have any questions, woodprh “at”



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